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Up-Syndrome is when you have more than 62 chromosomes (basically being a SPED Class in one person), this usually occurs in when a male and a female have reproductive sex over the age of 50.

This kid with Up-Syndrome is CRAZY!!!

by The Up-Syndrome bot April 12, 2019

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Dennis Syndrome

the mental state in which an individual thinks that he is not going to get into college

I've got Dennis Syndrome so bad, I don't even feel confident about getting into Stonybrook.

by Dennis Chen January 31, 2009

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Tatu Syndrome

Background: named for the band "Tatu" who's gimmick was that they were supposed lesbians but later this was found to be false.

Definition: A growing trend towards publically flaunted lesbianism(or the pretense thereof), seems to be particularly popular amoungst goths, raver/nightclub culture, creative arts studants & theatre media studants

"all these girls you see at the pubs holding hands & kissing eachother in front of large groups of people, it's like they have Tatu Syndrome"

by Psuedonym January 5, 2005

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turner syndrome

Regular Dictionary Deffinition:
Main Entry: Turner's Syndrome
Pronunciation: trnr(z)-; tn(z)-, tin-
Variant(s): or turner syndrome
Function: noun
Usage: usually capitalized T
Etymology: after Henry Herbert Turner died 1970 American physician
: a genetically determined condition that is typically associated with the presence of only one complete X chromosome and no Y chromosome and with characteristics including a female phenotype underdeveloped, and usually infertile ovaries, absence of menstrual onset, short stature, excess skin about the neck, aortic coarctation, and a low hairline on the back of the neck.

Medical Dictionary Deffinition:
Main Entry: TurΒ·ner's syndrome
Pronunciation: tr-nrz-
Variant(s): or TurΒ·ner syndrome \-nr-\
Function: noun
: a genetically determined condition that is typically associated with the presence of only one complete X chromosome and no Y chromosome and with characteristics including a female phenotype, underdeveloped and usually infertile ovaries, absence of menstrual onset, short stature, excess skin about the neck, cubitus valgus, aortic coarctation, and a low hairline on the back of the neck
(Turner, Henry Hubert (1892-1970), American endocrinologist). Turner practiced internal medicine privately and served as a consulting endocrinologist and chief of a metabolic clinic at a university hospital in Oklahoma. He described Turner's syndrome in 1938.

"congratulations Mrs. Darby, your child was born with Turner Syndrome"

by William Phallangie January 21, 2006

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fildez syndrome

Looking drunk,stoned, hungover or all three without being so.

After having less than four hours of sleep last night but with ten cups of coffee, I must say I've got the fildez syndrome.

by David Shum January 28, 2008

Stinkholm Syndrome

When you have become so used to a stink that you don't notice it anymore.
(although Stockholm Syndrome is affection towards one's captors, I think this applies, though it isn't affection, just acceptance.)

Geez. We've been in this room so long, I just realized that I can't even smell that gross trash can anymore. I must have Stinkholm Syndrome.

by liarliarliar April 22, 2011

Ark Syndrome

When people in West Texas/East New Mexico have the urge to by a boat that they will never use.

Isaac:"Why do y'all have a boat when there's no water around?"
Luke:"My dad got Ark Syndrome."

by TOMDARAK May 6, 2020