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Ham and eggs

To go super crazy; crazy on steroids

Alexa: Did you see that video of the Waffle House fight??? That was ham.
Emilie: That was ham AND eggs.

by Uncle Buck, Tennessee May 20, 2023

Ham Strips

A euphemism for a battered, worn out pussy. An extremely blown out vagina. Thick, red, bulbous vaginal lips. A cousin of beef drapes and roast beef curtains. Not the kind of female you want to bring home to meet your parents.

"You see that girl at the club last night?"

"Yeah man, her ham strips were bursting out of her daisy dukes. Freaking gross."

by Dr. Victor Von Doom April 5, 2013

Code HAM

an alert denoting the presence of a Hot Ass Mom. Usually between coworkers at video game stores and other fine retail shops.

"We have a Code HAM on eisle seven."
"I need a manager to the register...Code HAM. I repeat...CODE HAM!

by Letgo May 2, 2003

14๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ham Wank

To have a wank whilst having a slice of ham between your hand and your penis.

I went to the shops to get some sliced ham so I could ham wank all night.

by dozza909 January 16, 2012

13๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ham Sandwich

a cooked slab of pig on a bun.

"For Lunch, I'd like a ham sandwich, please."

by MoJo Mojowitz August 31, 2005

56๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

ham boner

1. A fat persons (usually male) erection. This results in a ham sounding noise that comes out of the sides of the penis. Often called pop can (see- pop can pax). You can here these things a mile away, and smell their hammy goodness. You have heard one of these man loads before, you heard it when Hemi showed up to make sex with your dad.

Dillon- Hemi went to Aarons house yesterday!
Christopher- Let me guess, he brought his ham boner with?
Dillrod- Nope, only fat guys get those.

by The Terminator November 12, 2005

18๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ham Sandwich

Drunk and high. When a person drinks (one slice of bread) in combination with smoking (the other slice of bread), they become the ham sandwich.

Unsuspecting College Freshman1: "Hey man, lets get really high tonight."

More knowledgeable upperclassman: "Awesome, lets smoke your weed."

*Proceed to get really high*

Unsuspecting College Freshman2: "Hey guys, I bought beer from this homeless guy."

UCF1: "I can't turn down free beer, lets get drunk!"

MKU: "I'll sit this one out."

UCF1+2: Puke everywhere and die.

MKU: "Man, right before they died, they were totally ham sandwiched."

by Whothefuckk March 15, 2012

43๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž