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sic wit it

Typically refers to someone suffering from an illness with symptoms that include: being more interesting than other people, being irresistibly attractive to the opposite sex, making everyone around them jealous of their overall lifestyle.

"Man have you seen how people react to Alex in the club? dude is sic wit it!"

by ernstan10 November 20, 2019

shit witness

To be exposed unknowingly and unwillingly to the act of another individual defecating in a public area.

Did that man just take a shit in someone's front yard??? If you saw what I just saw, you have just become a fellow Shit Witness! For counseling please contact 1-800-SHI-TWIT or attend your local ShitWit Anonymouis meeting.

by Psycho Whiteboy,V.V. March 3, 2012

Fawking Wit Ya

Fawking wit ya is a term used by retarded English men to explain that they were just jolking with one of their mates.

Ex: "Oi you there, yeah the pig fucker in the back. You's a cunt licker. Just fawking wit ya."

by Knee-Grow united June 4, 2018

ride wit it

When you found out that that triflin' man IS the father of yo child and you wanna let him kno' you expect a check in the mail in 20-30 business days post-appearance on Maury.

Ride wit it, Harry! Ride wit it!

by bowle'd April 6, 2017

Bang bang wit da hammer

When you aim a gun sideways any yell bang bang wit da hammer doe es not working a job

I went bang bang wit da hammer on dat fool

by Real deal20 September 11, 2019

Wit sit

Typical Hillary supporter, most likely Asian.

Eyeyeye buddy wit sit,

"Wit sit!!!!"

by Quang January 12, 2018

Eat a dick wit ya dead motha in the deep realms of hell

So if you really wanna fye a nigga up you gotta tell the bitch nigga eat dick (A very dirty 1 wit 25 stds) wit his dead motha response might be “she’s alive tho” no nigga she’s dead eat a fukin dick wit ya dead motha in the deep realms of hell wit ya big titty auntie and drunk ass uncle dancin gettin in the background tortured by a Nigga wit a spiked dildo BATCH! Batch is also a more disrespectful way of sayin bitch

Hoehay Eat a dick wit ya dead motha in the deep realms of hell Retarded ass faggot. Yeah shut the fuk up BATCH!

by Real nigga Z December 9, 2022