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Barf Wars

A post-party activity (usually performed by college students) in which participants attempt to vomit more grotesquely than the other players. The winner is usually characterized by the loudest β€œgag” reverberation, and/or the player with the most vomit material produced. Frequently takes place over the edge of a balcony; preferably onto your neighbors patio furniture, or a well-groomed garden. Deriving its name from the infamous β€œStar Wars”, the game has been passed down through oral tradition in specific regions throughout California. Though the creator(s) are unknown, it is widely believed they expired from internal hemorrhage and/or alcoholism.

"Dude, Danny just projectile-vomited past that fern, so he is definitely the winner of Barf Wars."

"Darren almost died the last time we played Barf Wars."

"Steven never wants to play Barf Wars again; last time he shat his pants."

by Daniel Toon Capps May 14, 2008

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Merch War

A war between friends who buy band merchandise from gigs.
The aim is to buy more funky t-shirts than the next guy.
You win only when your not seen in the same t-shirt for 3 months.

Tom: I tahdarlah merched out
Andy C: So did I
Tom: I got like 5 t-shirts
Timmeeeyy: Commence Merch War...

by justjessiethebodyventura October 29, 2008

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butt of war

The act of attaching two butt plugs to a length of rope on opposite ends before inserting them in the anuses of two participants who will than crawl in opposite directions until one participant looses their 'grip' on their butt plug.

common rules:

The butt plug girth to anus diameter ratio must be equivalent for each participant.

Lubricant must be used to prevent injury

short for butt plug tug of war

Rick and Charlene faced off in the ultimate butt of war competition to prove once and for all who had the strongest anus.

by rickncharlene December 17, 2011

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war flower

Someone in a war or battle (usually a soldier or officer) who miraculously escapes the fight without sustaining any injuries. Especially applicable to attractive women who fight and somehow maintain their beautiful bodies and faces, but can also be used for young and attractive men.

Did you see the way that chick shot down three bogeys and then got away without a scratch?

Yeah, she's a real war flower.

by the rotten1 August 12, 2010

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War Boar

A really, I mean REALLY unattractive woman/mammal that looks like it survived WWII and found its way in the wild. Its features resemble the the body of the wild boar, the head is large, the legs relatively short, making this female hideous.

Jish - "Man, did you see that chick I wheeled last night?, I was soo tuned I dont remember"

Matt - "Man, I think I should hang up the skates and start coaching, she was a war boar"

by LaRose89 June 6, 2010

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semiotic war

Conducting a war using a full range of signs and symbols -- but pointedly excluding violence or other unlawful or violent acts. A war of ideas in the age of internet and multimedia. Compare scamizdat.

The Internet's response to Scientology's attempt to rmgroup alt.religion.scientology included publishing their trade-secret "scriptures," graphically reviling them, putting billboards on trucks and buses, hosting radio talk-show segments, songwriting, projecting laser glyphs on walls, having aircraft pull pennants with slogans, picketing their headquarters, deconstructing their newsletters, creating cartoon lampoons and webpages, and, in other words, full semiotic war.

by Jeffrey Wright January 2, 2007

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comment wars

Comment Wars are two or three people who are My Space Whores, the leave comments to each other, like having a conversation on AIM only a lot slower. These people are my space whores since they could go out and talk to people,but choose to stay in side and leave lame, meaningless comments.

Angie: How was the south? We missed you in D-Town. Emo in the new word for Eskimo.
(Five seconds later)
X-Topher: it was ok, what did you fuys do while i was gone.Oh i get it now, about the eskimos.
(and the comment wars just goes on for hours, sadly).

by tyler runge July 28, 2006

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