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gay thomas

He's a fucking gay cunt queer ass cunt

Hi ben wanna fuck
Fuck off gay thomas

by gbfhvjujkl,;./' February 26, 2017

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thomas miller

A sexy amazing guy that only comes once in a life time he is so sweat and will always but a smile on your face but don't underestate him because he will be an ass hole back and any girl would be lucky to be his girlfriend.

I wish Thomas miller was my boy friend just look at him.

by water_polo_player69 March 22, 2015

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Thomas Butler

A symbol of Italian gronkness which is elucidated through the stupid and retarded decisions made by Mr Butler. His mating call is "EEEGGGGGGGG" , however is ultimatley devastated as the only thing he attracts is 60 year old men. He is very garbage at what he does and smells of dead rats, and his favourite food is pegs. On rare occasions, he is able to say something not retarded, however to the human ears it sounds like "Hurr durr". A physical representation of Mr Butler which can be seen everywhere you go; some examples are trash cans, bin chickens and feces.

Are you seriously doing a Thomas Butler?

That's a great representation of Thomas Butler!


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thomas gibson


woah your dad is such a thomas gibson

by catboyreid February 7, 2021

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jack thomas

Falls at the mere sight of a nut. An internationally renowned fuck boy. Cannot recognise go compare man.

Fucks sake jack thomas

by Mambeast August 13, 2015

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Thomas Morris

The most caring, sweetest and kindest guy you would ever come across. He is genuinely perfection, he is gorgeous and anyone who thinks otherwise needs to go to specsavers. He is everything a girl could ask for and more. He is musically talented along with being a smartarse and a lazy shite.

Thomas Morris is one lazy ass shite.

by we'reofftoneverneverland November 27, 2013

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rob thomas

Singer, Songwriter, and Pianist. He was a part of the popular group "Matchbox Twenty" for about 8 years before he took a turn and released a well-to-do solo record, which put him further into the mainstream-flow. In the early '90's, he took the lead singer/co-songwriter positions for an obscure bar-band in the southern region known as "Tabitha's Secret", which broke up in about 1994/1995 due to disputes over whether or not they should sign to a major label - 3 out of the 5 members went on to form Matchbox Twenty (Rob Thomas, Paul Doucette, and Brian Yale). He is currently married to former Victoria's Secret model Marisol Malonado and has a young toddler by the name of Maison Thomas (who was conceived through a former-girlfriend). Oh yeah, he is one of the most talented musicians to ever grace this earth, he's very authentic, and he's one of the most electrifying musicans to play live. Ever.

You can spit-shine Rob Thomas all you want, but he'll still be the same old piece of tin.

by Jamie Rhea December 17, 2005

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