Luke Ray is a smart guy. He is VERY annoying but, funny. He is always creative and has lots of makeup if you ask me. He is very kind and has a creative mind set. HE IS (VERY) GAY THOUGH - Anonymous 🙃
I love you babe, your such a “Luke Ray” though .🥰😛💕
Y3 Luke is a virgin who hit 100k world record on mega park.
James: Hey, have you seen Y3 Lukes new world record attempt?
Kobe (dead): Yeah Some Virgin guy who plays way to much skate.
a man who is not mature, somewhat tall, curly hair, can do a backflip, loves D&D. Due to this a lot of girls like him. these girls beg for him. luke has friends who at times call him a punk and annoying but they are still friends. luke is not a simp however he is not a dog.
Also, he sucks at chess and is a cheater
girl: wow look at that man
friend: OMG that's a luke Wadzinski
Luke: Hello ladies
one who's dick can span across the entire Pangea super continent and has testicles that are slimed with shmegma.
Wow that kid reminds me of Luke Welsh.
Ya he does look like a Hiroshima survivor who wasn't in Hiroshima because he has 8th degree Alzheimer's.
Lukes's mum is a sea creature who gets passed around Chelmsford college and has a sweet tooth for Regan and his massive schlong.
Lukes mum is a fat 100 Tonne whore
The most perfect meant to be couple always have something to talk about always joke around about stuff that only they understand and know what it mean.
I wish I was like Luke and Emma oh wait I am because my name is Emma and my boyfriend’s name is Luke