Source Code

purple pumpkin

~The insertion of something into ones memory that was never there to begin with.
~A word that is randomly and mentally added into a conversation that is not there; auditory hallucination

#1 - "My friend got a tatto of a pumpkin on his arm last weekend.
#2 - "What?! Why a purple pumpkin?"
#1 - "Purple? Where'd you get purple from?"
#2 - "You just said it."
#1 - "No I didn't. I said he got a tatto of a pumpkin. No color. Just a pumpkin."
#2 - "... oh."

by The Peanut Gallery March 16, 2005

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purple mushroom

1. A low cost housing unit for smurfs on welfare
2. The act of smacking one's penis on a girls face leaving a bruise in the shape of a mushroom
3. What they look like after you've had too many of those 'Shrooms'.

1. After smurfette became a crack addict she started to whore herself to support her habbit. Now that silly slut can only afford to live in the purple mushrooms.
2. I gave her such a purple mushroom it left a welt!
3. Whoa, dude, I think I should be cut off... those are..PURPLE MUSHROOMS!!!

by Jesus Christ Superstar October 4, 2004

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purple teletubby

The gayest teletubby in the motha fuckin teletubbies

Person 1: your a purple teletubby. Person 2: The fuck?

by Lubas Maximus January 23, 2017

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purple head

the purple head is the tip of the penis, more noticeable if you have been circumcised

john: dude my purple head is puffy today
joe: is it purple?
john: yeah

by gooeyduck69 June 5, 2020

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Purple Hammer

When you grab your dick and squeeze it until the head turns purple, then mercilessly punch the head or with a purple mallet/hammer. This act is usually done intoxicated and was originated by New Hampshire's own Matthew "Bordmatt" Warriner.

Hey what is Bordmatt doing?
Oh he is just over there doing his Purple Hammer thing.

by KatieBanks, Bordmatt August 5, 2013

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Purple Frozen

A purple liquid (usually purple Kool-Aid), that is frozen with a toothpick inserted in the middle to make a delicious frozen treat. Any kind of sweet liquid can be frozen and it will then take on the name of the liquid followed by the word frozen. Often consumed by black people in the ghetto.

Tyrone, getcho dad make us some purple frozen!

by Harrison R September 9, 2006

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Purple Pill

The purple pill is for when you’ve been down the Rabbit hole before and have come out smarter.

Defined as a small pill shaped capsule, that is purple in color. It has the potential to create any experience the user determines, obviously only form the sensory input that can conceivably be there.

β€œWe’ve prescribed a purple pill, to help process the implications of your trauma.”

β€œI wouldn’t do that with Sam, they’re on purple pills.”

by R.J. Emerson November 24, 2022

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