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Vegan Fly Trap

Meat products integrated into a vegan dish that is presented as being vegan.

That smug fuck came over last year and wouldn't touch any food, so i made a vegan fly trap just for him.

by kflash April 4, 2015

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

vegan emo or scene

when your are a vegan and your also emo or scene... duhh.

Tim "yo dude im a vegan and im trying to go for that scene look.."

Josh " vegan emo or scene.. hmm ...well you better avoid converse and vans.. both of those companies use sweatshop labor"

Tim "fuckk i love converse"

by ninaburst August 16, 2008

9๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

Degan the vegans dick

Degan the vegans dick is is a rare genitalia where the dick can only pleasure a pan sexual

Man bro did you here John got diagnosed With degan the vegans dick, but to not as bad as mccd (mason chase chode disease)

by Jboneak July 30, 2018

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vegan goon squad

Any member of PETA,AFL,FARM or any other so-called vegan animal rights group who use fear or any type of strong-rm tatics to get their point across (see also vegan thugs).

PETA just sent thier vegan goon squad to protest the local KFC.

by BruinKiller3469 March 20, 2009

21๐Ÿ‘ 114๐Ÿ‘Ž

vegan kyke dyke

ms turk
the gayest of all bitches and hoes
she is a dyke
she is a kyke
she is a vegan

ms turk is sucha vegan kyke dyke

by i hate u turk March 28, 2005

24๐Ÿ‘ 142๐Ÿ‘Ž

Vegan Black Metal Chef

Vegan Black Metal Chef is an up-and-coming YouTube celeb. The creator of the videos dresses in a manner similar to Gene Simmons of KISS, with white face paint and black streaks around his eyes, and wears a black suit of armor. Clearly, he's also influenced by such real-life black metal bands as Mayhem, Burzum, and Dark Throne. Thus far, he has only posted two videos ("Pad Thai" and "Easy Meal Ideas of the Ages"), yet the first video alone has received over 1 million views and spawned imitators. He has also been referenced on quite a few food-related blogs. And finally, in true black metal style, the videos/songs are at least 12-15 minutes long!


by loop zoop July 2, 2011

13๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

eggs away from vegan

being really close to being/achieving something, but you're not quite there


when you're vegetarian and lactose intolerant

Josie: "I'm $2.01 away from the free shipping minimum"
Grace: "You're eggs away from vegan"

by dogtheist101 May 28, 2018