Source Code

Earth Worm Sally

A Stupid Worm That Carries Several Diseases From The State Florida To The State Cali

EaRTh wORm sAlLy cARrIES dIsEASes fROM fLorIDA tO cALi

by EPIC1212 September 10, 2020

Frozen Worm Gobby

When Ice Fishing in Ohio and getting a blow job from a Prostitute.

Man this weekend I went fishing in Ohio and got the best Frozen Worm Gobby ever!

by Steelme February 24, 2022

Alabama Mud Worm

The act of not wiping after pooping then sticking a pinky up your ass then putting it in your partners ass.

Hey babe, weโ€™re out of tp. Guess itโ€™s time for an Alabama mud worm.

by Mothers disappointment January 10, 2020

naked worm shake

Term used instead of sex, naked worm shake.

Wanna do the โ€˜naked worm shake?โ€™

by Sea siren October 12, 2018

one eyed worm

Penis, Dick

Oh look, his one eyed worm is taking a peek!

by Anonymous January 27, 2003

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Hungarian Ring Worm

A traditional hand job from behind the back and under the legs. Preferably the giver's face is submerged in the anus of the taker.

Philip received a nice hungarian ring worm from Charles for his 18th birthday.

by BAMFMASTA M December 5, 2010

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bag of worms

A person whose lack of intelligence, forces their brain to take on the form of a sack, comprised solely of worms

If you're reading this, you are in fact a bag of worms.

by White black guy June 12, 2017

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