A real nigga can spell correctly (jk) but damn y'all spelling is terrible (most people on this site)
1) He/she stands by their actions.
2) He/she won't back down from a confrontation he/she will speak his mind on how they feel.
3) Loyal to his/her people, when their friends need something they will always be there to try to help however they can.
4) He/She will not hook up with your boyfriend/girlfriend, they will tell you what's up with that person and what they are trying to do.
5) he/she will NOT lie.
6) He/She will be loyal to you, they won't cheat.
7) If He/She gives their word they do everything they can to see it through and stay true to it.
That nigga Dee, he is as real as it's gets.
Homie is one of them real niggas
A real nigga is named Tj or anthony .No one else. Period
Tj and Anthony are real niggas
When you see your best friend for the first time in 4 months and twelve days
Yo! What up man! I love you nigga dog monkey!
Poptart ass niggas refers to a lightskin, mixed-breed, jellybean, who is too pussy to do anything.
"Hey, look! They some poptart ass niggas!" - Huncho Da Demon