A boy that is destined to be punked
because they do not possess the strength
of character to be hard. A bitch nigga will
always crumble when confronted by a real
A male acting like female.
A person nobody likes.
A male that gets no pussy, other than virtual pussy
@Khenny_Ghee for more info.
Man, fuck that bitch nigga Kenny!
A homeboy who pretends to be hard, but In actually his name is Clarence and his parents have a real nice marriage. Only joins a fight when the opponent is already on the ground, out cold. First one to complain about “cheap shots” when they get hit. General, all around, Bitch Nigga.
“Yo, have you heard, “Click” by Drake?”
“Nah, I don’t listen to that Bitch Nigga.”
a nigga that doesn't slide when another nigga says or does some shit
"lil Durk is a bitch nigga"
"caleb wtp, say something or you a bitch nigga yassas"
Bitch: Bitch is a derogatory term for a female
Nigga: Nigga is used mainly among African Americans, but also among other minorities and ethnicities, in a neutral or familiar way and as a friendly term of address. It is also common in rap music. However, nigga is taken to be extremely offensive when used by outsiders. Many people consider this word to be equally as offensive as nigger. The words nigger and nigga are pronounced alike in certain dialects, and so it has been claimed that they are one and the same word.
Your a bitch nigga
Someone that does not have the appetite to eat anything. Names generally start with an H, D, P, S
A man who can't stand on his own feet
1. Ra moved back into his ex partners family home without a job car or any money to give himself an easy path in life, Ra is a bitch nigga pulling bitch nigga moves.
2. Ra buys himself new new vehicles that aren't road worthy instead of paying child support or providing any financial care towards his children. Ra is a bitch nigga pulling bitch nigga moves
3. Ra thinks being around is going to scare away his baby mama new partner, but he ain't a bitch nigga like Ra.
Bottom line don't be a bitch nigga like Ra stand on your own look after yourself and stop trying to use old lady's to support you daily. Because Ra is your classic bitch nigga with bitch nigga motives and bitch nigga mentality