Someone who is a bitch nigga and lies and always is late to shit.
That kid Josh is a bitch nigga.
It’s basically A dumb nigga can’t lie
Osie a bitch nigga with no motion
P"Bitch niggas verses Bitch ASS niggas"
Defined; ; 1. Noun '(Action words)
Bitch niggas are only there to promote
A hater stander through smiles an slander. Not to be trusted with the values of communication morals or justice.
Bitch ass niggas ; noun action word. A envious, vindictive pericite whom search for host to attach themselves to depletion for unethical values to benefit off of someone else ethics claiming it as there own . Victimizer then claims victim
Through manipulation illusions purposely as well as sub contious in there deception . Without a contious mind thought between rite and wrong.
Bitch niggas
Mary invited me to a game to play victim as she use reverse physocology to distract me only to flirt with my husband. Vs
Bitch ass niggas
They lured him to a hotel to set him up with a felony on purpose to get out of trouble. Them acted as if they were unaware of situation. Playing both sides.
“Y’all see Jermaine over there? He’s such a bitch nigga.”