A quote to be used when really confused. Just like a chameleon would be confused on what color to change into if it got stuck inside a Skittles bag, you are also confused as hell. You're a loser if you say something as simple as "I'm confused"
Sarah: 2 + 2 = 5
Alexis: I'm as confused as a chameleon stuck inside a Skittles bag
the douche-like version of the word douchebag.
the only people that use this word are douchebags themselves.
"omg that guy is such a d-bag"
"dude you are a douchbag just for saying the word 'd-bag'
An abbreviation used by 11-year-olds instead of "douchebag" so that their parents don't throw a tantrum over the actual word.
My friend, you're such a d-bag!
Short for dooche bag, used when adults of authority are close by.
You spilt orange soda on my dress you d-bag!
That d-bag Tim broke my guitar
Ugly fatass psychopath who loves guns, hacking me, and listening to the worst rap music known to man.
D bags loves lying about me and trying to get me to "unalive", while listening to Kodak Black
An absolute shit head is a d-bag or a collage student
Man here comes that guy that talked shit about me he is such a d-bag