Rub on a girls pussy and they have to rub your dick back
Get freaky day :You have to rub on a girls pussy and they have to rub on your dick back
I'm off to get my Rambo on.
Where's he gone? To get his Rambo on
when Jon Stewart demonastrates a politician's or news anchor's hypocricy by catching them saying contradictory things at different points in time
Jon Stewart catches Glenn Beck saying "Obama has a deep seated hatred for white people." 75 minutes later, Glenn Beck says, "I am not saying Obama doesn't like white people." Here, Glenn Beck was "getting Stewed."
The act of ordering fish (notably catfish) and getting fucking Swai in place of the actual fish you ordered. All my homies fucking hate Swai. Swai, probably better known as 'Basa', is a very cheap fish (which is why you get swai'd on in the first place by restaurants) native to Southeast Asia that tends to be farmed in unsanitary water. In the case of catfish, swai looks very similar to it. Catfish meat is stringy, tends to be flat, and has well defined ridges in it. Swai tends to be mushy, and likes to curl at the ends. Generally it also tastes worse. Know your enemy. Fuck swai.
We get swai'd on every damn time we go there. Lets go somewhere else.
My dad ordered a blackened redfish. The menu also clarified it was a redfish. They served him swai.
Damn, he got swai'd on.
I asked for a catfish po-boy. They served me a fucking po boy with swai on instead. I got swai'd on.
to be high on prescription drugs as a recreational habit or addiction.
"I scored some perc and am going to get chemical."
"I've never seen someone so chemical."
or to determine the cause of strange behavior
"Dude, are you chemical?" as opposed to drunk or mental
An explosive discharge of nesquick from your anus
“Wheres John?”
“Stuck at home getting scatty”