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house band

A band that is hired by a specific bar or club and plays there consistently. House bands generally work on busy nights, like Friday nights and Saturday nights. They are usually known for being startup bands, and can later become big name bands.

- One of the house bands at Madame Wong's was The Motels.

- Oingo Boingo was also a house band there, too.

by Jerry Curhl March 28, 2011

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i'm in the band

a show on family about a teen who lets three rock stars live in his house if they let him join the band
the band is named iron weasel and the band members are Ash
Derek, Burger and Tripp

guy 1: I miss old shows from family like Even Stevens now i barely watch it and only see shows like i'm in the band

guy 2: what's that???

guy 1: exactly

by hamfam789 July 25, 2010

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An extra paper (usually a half) used to roll a joint that needs a little extra paper due to it being too loosely packed, ripped, or has exposed weed.

Dude 1: Dude you rolled that joint horribly
Dude 2: Yeah dude, I'll put a band-aid on it.

by T3h leet sauce. April 23, 2006

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Band geek

someone who lives for band... monday band tuesday band wednesday band... thurday band... and guess what friday and saturday... band.... wait no band on sunday what do i do?

a frech horn player in the bhs band (katie michales) trst me she is the definition of band geek!

by tuba123 October 30, 2009

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band freaks

(1) A die hard fan of a high school,college or university marching band.

(2) Any marching band that has a very unorthodox style that causes controversy for the school,college or university.

(1) The Band freaks @ Stanford cause a commotion at the Stanford-Oregon football game that the University banned the band freaks in preforming in the next halftime show.

(2) I love going to field shows to see which high school band has the best band freaks.

by BruinKiller3469 April 3, 2009

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southern band

A Band that comes from southern part of the U.S.A.

Lynard Skynard, Pantera, 3 Doors Down, The Black Crowes and Stevie Ray Vaughan are southern bands

by Haner August 12, 2006

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chick band

band w/ female singer.

guy: dude! save ferris is a chick band!

by dumb kid October 1, 2003

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