Anas is often referred to butt hole.
Not in the meaning of anus.
Anas is also widely used to describe who is a Messi kanni & who always tries to oombu Messi, even though Messi is bullshit with his kutty kundi knowledge.
Example : He is such an anas
Example 2 : avan oru loosu koodhi anas ma
Example 3 : dey gopal thevdiya paya summa iruda anas
ana is a very good family member,friend,cousin,student and sister. She is kind,bold,mysterious,thick,pretty and rattie. I like ana cs shes a meanie.
ana: hey girly, lemme lick ur toes
me: NOOOO *runs*
Anas is a very short person and looks extremely similar to a butt hole. However regardless of this he still gets all them boys. He’s a real homosexual stud.
Anas is a gay stud who is very short.
He is generous man, lovable person.
He turns tables when he works hard and stay focused.
Stays calm and simple in his comfort zone, once troubled , he is a teased-lion !
Never mess with his personal life
Peace lover !!
That’s Anas !!! Peace-Giver .
The worst friend you can have you can’t really trust her at all. Some my think she’s a snake, very short and skinny. But is somewhat intelligent and stubborn.
Wow I can’t believe I was friends with Ana
This name 'Anas' stands for only smart and handsome boys. They're intelligent and great in sports. Sometimes they go crazy for food too.
Friend- say some rhyming sentence
Anas- 10rupe ki pepsi Anas bhai sexy