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get awesome

1.) to engage in sexual relations.

2.) to engage in cocaine.

i would have come to your party, but me and this girl were watching movies and decided to get awesome...you know....


"what happened to you last night?"

"i ended up running into this guy and got awesome at the party, i didn't sleep til the next afternoon"

by fergutron November 4, 2008

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an extreme form of awesome, used to describe a thing or event which was or is very awesome

That show last night was awesome-sauce.
Erin, your shoes are awesome-sauce!

by Farewell Falyn November 21, 2008

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Essentially 'N' representing 'Not', first used by Ryan Dunn in Jackass 3 (2010), during a scene in which he had to jump over a small river. The term means to express dismay, and to undermine /dispel an idea or to refer to any activity whether past, present, or future tense as an undesirable act.

R.I.P. Ryan Dunn


Past Tense: "Dude, that ramp was n-awesome."

Present Tense: "N-awesome man, this is starting to freak the s*** out of me."

Post Tense: "No, I won't do that! N-awesome dude! N-awesome."

by Maidenluva47 June 26, 2011

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Awesome Blossom

Cool, awe inspiring, great.

"That game is totally Awesome Blossom."

by Jaye Cabusi May 19, 2005

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Awesome to the limit

Synonomous with phrases like rad or great, but more often used to describe a person.

Julissa is Awesome to the limit.

by TzaraBall January 12, 2006

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awesome magawesome

Almost like awesome, or Awesome McPossum, but usually describing a nice butt, or a cool word.

Wow! Ty has an awesome magawesome ass! That's what you call a male badonkadonk!

by funkfunk April 12, 2006

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See Awesome..Only More So! Something Described As Awesom-o Is EXTREMELY Awesome! Is Sometimes Followed By Derp.

'Woah Dude, That Was Awesom-o!!..Derp!'

by Phrankus September 28, 2004

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