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Call Frog

A call frog is a person who hops from call to call

"Don't hop calls or you'll be banned. Call frogs aren't welcome here." - Mike the Bike

by bickdutt. November 1, 2017

Business call

e sex, online sex, sex on a phone where one person explains to a different person what to do during masturbation.

I have to go to a business call.

by smilex123gsjhfbsef November 15, 2021

Business call


I have to go to a business call, I will return soon.

by smilex123gsjhfbsef November 15, 2021

power calls

to be utterly annoyed by someone who consitintly calls you non stop

katie: why is your cell phone always off when you have our son

matt: because his moms a bitch and power calls the fuck out of me

by les boys September 9, 2008


a guy's favorite bitch at the moment; the girl who gets the first booty call when the guy is leaving the bar at bartime....

Related term: COC'ed; getting massively fucked by the Cunt-On-Call

Guido: Hey dude, you wanna hit the club and see what's up?
Other Guido: Yeah, sure....who's your Cunt-On-Call tonight?
Guido: Remember that bitch I met last weekend when we were at the sports bar?
Other Guido: Oh yeah, she's a freak!
Guido: ...Her.....

Other Guido: Oh Man, you ah gonna get COC'ed tonight!

by GIRLZPLAY October 21, 2011

boredom call

1. v. When someone you haven't talked with in forever hits you up seemingly-randomly on Facebook, text, etc. only because s/he is bored.
2. n. One who is boredom called

1. Mike texted me last night. Turns out his WoW subscription ran out, so he boredom called me out of desperation.
2. I thought Ashley was trying to get with me, but I was just her boredom call.

by piroteknix April 20, 2011

Martin Calle

A person with no muscle and nerdy it also means that he has a small penis and is shy about it.

This guy is a Martin Calle.

by Nikito69 June 1, 2020