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class of 2020

People who graduate high school in 2020. This class is full of nude senders and fuckboys who jerk off to them. They are currently sophomores.

I feel so sorry for you because you are in the class of 2020.

by mcnuggetdestroyer January 3, 2018

16πŸ‘ 61πŸ‘Ž

Class of 2025

The shitty class after the amazing, sarcastic, hilarious class of 2024. Currently 12-13 year old seventh graders. The girls are all sluts and/or VSCO girls, with fake depression and fake bisexuality. The guys are all sports obsessed and gay, despite what they'll say to deny it.

Though they're not all terrible, because they're not as bad as the class of 2023.

"Yo, have you seen the class of 2025?" says Taylor.
"Hell yeah, man they're wild! I heard one of the girls is dating a junior" says Michael.
"Slut" says Taylor.

by Yowhatsupyall November 13, 2019

53πŸ‘ 252πŸ‘Ž

First Class

The nicest place on an airplane.

A song made by Jack Harlow.

I ride in first class. - a very wise man

Yo my man, have you listened to First Class by Jack Harlow yet? - Xander

by taxitaco January 2, 2023

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tesla class

Suburban or urban upper middle class with liberal or Democratic views. They have $100,000 to spend on a car that is just as good as a $20,000 Tesla because they're saving the environment or just because they made a killing on Bitcoin (but not enough to be in the Lambo class).

Becky is so Tesla class.

by tnebula January 25, 2020

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4b class

best class you will ever have no new people the class with a teacher that lets you do anything and play kickball everyday you have to enjoy it while you have it because it’s gonna be over be for you know it and there’s never going to be a better class then that

i miss are 4b class

by hhhheyyyyyy February 6, 2022

2πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Class jump

A jump - sex
Class - really good

Really good sex

Eric : 'ah Dave, look at the tits on that mate!'

Dave : 'she looks like a class jump her mate'

Eric : 'ye mate - deffo would give her a right good see in' to lad'

by PsychoGeorge December 8, 2016

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class A cunt

someone that fucks you over multiple times and acts like a complete cock at all times

you are a class A cunt

by CLASS A CUNT January 28, 2018

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