Kids. They are the fruit from a woman's cooter. Same as Crotch Fruit.
This restraunt would be a lot better if not for all these damn COOTER FRUITS running around screaming.
The act of a woman getting an STD.
I wouldn't sleep with her, I heard she has a cooter cold.
The grapes you ferment into wine inside your vagina.
We just drank a whole of box of Hannah's cooter wine! Related to butt chugging.
When two girls are scissoring but fall asleep
“I was with Lindsay last night and we were scissoring, but then this bitch fell asleep. I was not tryin to cooter cuddle.”
When a male turtle ejaculates quickly, and the female is unable to achieve orgasm.
My turtle George was being a bit of a speedy cooter and was unable to please Martha.
When a female sneezes/queefs causing the tampon in her vagina to shoot out like a bullet from an m-16. Deadly at close range if hit directly.
Did you hear how terry died….apparently Meghanns cooter shooter when off and killed him.