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Cooter Cuddle

When two girls are scissoring but fall asleep

“I was with Lindsay last night and we were scissoring, but then this bitch fell asleep. I was not tryin to cooter cuddle.”

by ScmellyZelly June 10, 2021

Tactical Cuddles

Cuddling purely to preserve body heat

Chris-Yo Mat I forgot my sleeping bag
Mat-Man it’s supposed to go below zero tonight your gonna freeze unless we share
Chris-Tactical cuddles it is bro no-homo

by IdkManIjustworkIG October 20, 2022

Cuddle busting

When you bust a nut while cuddling

We were hanging last night and he started cuddle busting

by Jasmintheshit February 4, 2018


addicted to cuddles

person 1 i've been thinking about it, all i'm excited for is the aftercare.

person 2 ... you really are a cuddle-holic.

by the_notebook May 29, 2024

National Cuddle a Gay Guy While Watching Football Day

Oct 24th of each year - straight guys love football, and they secretly love to be spooned - now you can do both
Call your best gay friend, he would love to have you over (your place is too messy). Wear your favorite sports costume, and your gay friend will do the rest - 1,000 thread-count sheets, craft beer, crudités, and gourmet wings (all flats).
Just try to stay awake for the game, and you will surely leave with a smile.

Brandon kept shouting "Go Cocks," so I'm assuming that he is going to KTrain's house for National Cuddle a Gay Guy While Watching Football Day

by KTrainSC October 24, 2020

Cuddle fucker

A person who tries to fuck you under the guise of “cuddling”. Tend to present themself as a compassionate, “open” person who genuinely cares when really their behavior is completely self serving. Tendency to believe/say things like the world is a giant crystal. Probably attends Burning Man.

Wow, I’m so ashamed I just got duped by that cuddle fucker!

by Lobizzle October 8, 2018


The act of cuddling with a partner who's currently performing an active activity.

The date was fantastic, I got a solid workout in when we hiked up the trail while Candace was active-cuddling me on my back!

by Going-thru-the-motions October 19, 2022