A drink made out of a combination of orange juice, cranberry-raspberry juice, lemon juice, and Dr. Pepper.
When correctly made it should be a medium brown tinted red. When consumed it should feel as if it burns your stomachs lining. It’s long term effects are undocumented
Said to be better than lean.
“I love Dookie Juice 🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎😩😩😩😈😈🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎”
A drink made out of a combination of orange juice, lemon juice, cranberry-raspberry, and Dr.Pepper.
When correctly made it should resemble a medium brown color with a red tint. Upon consumption it should feel as if it is burning through the stomachs lining. The long term effects are undocumented.
Said to be better than lean.
“I love Dookie Juice🤎🤎🤎🤎😩🤎🤎🤎🤎”
When you but in the butt, creating a dookie baby.
I’m gonna give you a dookie baby
*looking up from newpsaper*
Man A: wow that a real dookie baby.
The first shit you take in the morning that goes on forever. This shit has caused numerous write ups at work for being late and many a argument with the significant other.
Woke up and took a long dookie and shit went down hill from there.
“Pick one: the cooter or the dookie socket. I’ve got my options like my QB’s running out the pocket.”
When you have to shit really bad and you fart resulting in the fart blowing by the dookie in you asshole. It also leads to a horrendous smell in the room making people think you shit urself.
Oh my god Kyle do you have dookie blowby or did you shit your pants. Lay off the Taco Bell and monster man!