Common American phrase dating back to the late nineteen-hundreds. Very classy but also popular thing to say. Critically dubbed "meta-nationalist". Can be adapted to other countries.
You: Doesn't look like there's anything going on here today; the library's empty.
Alex: What? That does not make American sense. The calendar said today was supposed to be the Club Meet.
Why does my friend bok choy have skin diseases?
why does bok choy have pimples
Pimplepuff girls
Boy 1: Ew have u seen bok choy
Girl 2: Ew she looks like johnny sins from the back
Girl 1: exactly her head has pimples and she has blackheads on her coochie meow meow
"why is bok choy a pimplepuff girl"
Why does bok choy have so many pimples
A modification in phraseology to contend with the urban slang usage of "what it do?!" as a way of asking a question. In my URBAN EXPRESSIONISM© style of creating, this mode off speaking was created back in 2005. The phrase serves as an 'urban diction" in sentence-fragment structure to question "How's it going?" and/or "What's going on?"
Surf culture speech
Urban culture speech
Hey, brah, what does it ?!"
Yo, man, what does it?!
Does: Plural form of Doe
Also: Does; as in slang for Does Nuts
“What about does nuts on your face?”
To amuse people, one can imitate (a specific person) or perform (a specific role, song, etc.).
He not only does Schwarzenegger and Groucho, but he becomes them.
a word that surprisingly wasn't on urban dictionary.
*Does a cute smile cutely*
Does your dog bite
I can't FUCKING believe that the word Does
Doesn't..... ;)
Have a definite and definitive definition here on this Wonderfully fantastic and informative website that's so many of the world use every day (if they're anything like me)
It is the present tense third Person singular of do
What the fuck does 'does' mean!
Idk man it probably means like when your a person doing something if another person was watching you do that thing and they were talking to another person they would say something like
"Why does he do that"