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harry grewal

Promising transporter that is able to transport culinary nutrition from an initial destination to a consumer.

Hey, get this food to the customer, harry grewal style!

by xXreliableSourceXx February 1, 2019

Harry Partch

A 20th century American composer famous for composing for his own custom made 43 tone instruments.

Harry Partch's marimba is very impressive

by CWMiller May 3, 2010

the harry barry

Trying to ask harry out but he rejects you. You then hide under his bed screaming marry me pls then he proceeds to ejaculate on you screaming goat noises

jamal: i did the harry barry

Gregory the 845th : what the hell is wrong with you

by The milf eater April 5, 2022

harry morgan

this is someone who is a simp they are also very ugly. they look like a fish and also have no friends at all

you are being such a harry morgan today

by harrymorgan April 7, 2020

thick harry

Someone called Harry who is a thick bitch

Ugh thick harry is so stupid

by Catfish Barry January 21, 2018

Jeffery Harris

Ryan's great-father, always takes Ryan and his friends' places and gets them gas station and LA Fitness he is a really hard worker. He usually drives the cigarettemoblie, he claims that he is better than Ryan at basketball. He always wears a wife beater or a black or white tee or a baggy black hoodie from hobby lobby.

Ryan's friend: Ryan ask your dad for gas station

Ryan: Alright
Jeffery Harris: I mean I guess Ryan it's with your money.

by FreeKayFlocka February 23, 2023

harry potterino

Usually a guy who is mid-teens and early adult who loves porn and refers everything to it. Most usually makes dirty jokes whatever the consequences. When there is a required password, they most likely name it “porn” or “cumshot” Usually a Brit who doesn’t have any friends and uses social media on a cheap laptop. They always fake their adresses to impress ladies e.g. Mansion, Beach houses, Villas, etc.

Omg that harry potterino is such a jack ass, no wonder he has no friends

by Shwit June 4, 2019