I like ur mom: You are weird, and you must be joking.
Kyle: Do you like someone?
Carter: Yea.
Kyle: Who?
Carter: I like ur mom.
Kyle: 📸📸📸📸
A saying used to tell a client good shot when shooting redfish and missed.
I fancy way of saying, "I like your style".
Keep in mind, this is only said by adults and said to kids.
I like the shit of your cock, kid.
Because of the quick question, the popular is, you feel better after vomiting, Aha, no, the birthday cake made you vomit, but how can vomiting make you feel better like you, is a research to Kelly Crosse, after vomiting, butter will make you feel better after you vomit, a great catholic to you.
Why do I feel like vomiting is a sick story.
george i like you
because i’m nice i’m doing this so you know i like you
A code word used by a closeted gay man to let everyone know he wants to get fucked in the ass
Man, do I like twin peaks.
(Predicate.) Smurf Smurf Smurf hours. Flirt flirt and this clerk clerk know you’re actually say were no purple socks Yolo. yo dumb
Her: OK so I have it I don’t know if I can Rambo. OK sucking cock is the most inconvenient thing in the entire world you see if I can psych. Like nobody should ever do that it’s smelly, stinky, and juicy wet cock being her bag.
Him: I would say the N-word. Noooo I like that one gnomic in North I like that one now