One of the most talented Drum and Bass DJs to ever mix records. Unfortunately his DJ career was doomed because he didn't know how to not call out bullshit when he saw it. Either that or all the promoters got salty when they found out that he indeed did fuck their mother.
"Who is this mixing on this CD? This is awesome"
"Oh man, that's Motherfu'kin' Jon!"
A co worker who lies all of the time and is late a lot as well as sometimes sleeping through his alarm. Sloppy Jons have great humor and are sometimes awkward.
Oh man, he is such a sloppy jon. Such bad news.
A term for a dingus that looked up some weird phrase that his friend Mat Wood asked him to look up.
Jonathan, you're such a Potato Jon.
When working conditions have reached maximum absurdity and emails are sent to God and country far and beyond that persons level of employment and purchasing power. When someone sends a hate laced email fuled with discontent and rage to get as many reactions as possible so that even the smallest infractions are looked at with a microscope from that point on.
I'm going to pull a Jon Grammes if they don't get hot fixing this fucked up place.
jon gilliam is the modern rambo. Ryan is his sidekick. He runs around naked in football cleats with his big maltball nipples, screaming, "Get off my shit!" In his crappy apartments with his fat ass mom who's got a bearded clam when she walks, "Squishy, Squishy."
Jon Gilliam is rambo, and a quim.
The act of taking your friends used condoms and drinking the man milk you squeezed into it.
Did you see what Jon ebling did to dons used condom.