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log ride

A true log ride is this:
First you take a huge shit
Then, while giving your bitch a swirly, you nail her in the ass
Nail her in the ass until she shits.

I gave that bitch a nasty ass log ride

by Don696969 March 19, 2008

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Log Taster

A person who enjoys eating shit. One who likes to ingest poo.

Did you see that German Sheisse video? That bitch was a log taster!

by Matt November 10, 2003

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saw a log

To get things done in an excellent manner or to be a pimp/awesome in general.

After Stuart found the sweet spot on his stihl ms440, he was able to saw a log.

"Sh*t boy I tell you what, run a little nitro in the fuel mix for this saw and it will saaaw a laaaawwwg!"

by obiwanaword February 4, 2010

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Log Cabin

Reference for a $5 dollar bill because of Lincoln

Hey dog, I got a Log Cabin on it.

by Chickabong October 7, 2011

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Log Jam

the act of having a penis in both the ass and vagina and having the both cocks being stuck inside at once or one cock forcing the other or denying entry

I couldn't get my cock in her ass because of the log jam in her vag

by kwigibo June 28, 2007

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cheese log

1. A huge Shit thats makes your pants feel looser.

2. A shit so big it clogs the toilet.

3. Word your man uses to describe the shit he just took.

Man you should come look at this cheese log i just made.

by stevesgirl June 15, 2008

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Log Jam

When a man sits on a toilet to shit with high water and it "jams" under his balls in the water.

I sat on the hotel toilet to sit and the water was so high I had a log jam.

by Chevygal October 7, 2015

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