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Used primarily amongst the hip hop and rap genre when an artist releases an album; a dick rider’s excuse to prevent themselves from admitting the project is good but will be quick to tune in and listen.

Drake: *releases an album
Kanye fans: “it was mid🤡”

by Neighborhood Youngin September 5, 2021


1. Something that's seen as negligable or not of interest due to its mediocraty being of greater offense than being low quality.

1. "Have you seen the new Pokemon Sword and Sheild dlc trailer, looks garbage right"?

'Lol mid'.

by cementVoyager January 8, 2022



Sahill is mid

by G4lactic February 23, 2022


Something/someone that is overrated and generally just mediocre and dead

Ameenah Ahmed is mid

by EXTREMELY smart boi September 17, 2022


when something is of average or below average quality, originally meaning mid-grade weed

“bro that yeat album was fire”
nah man it was mid”

by reeves27304 May 24, 2022


A person's opinion that is not valid in the writer's eyes.
This can also be used on people (Possibly to say they r no lifes)

Example 1: So.. You say Sugar x Ella is a valid Total Drama ship? That is so mid!
Example 2: ngl Jellybean is mid. - Meowbahh, not knowing she is also mid.

by Raichudeserveslove42069 April 11, 2022


A 2013 Toyota Tundra

Wow John’s truck is Mid

by Wilsomething August 5, 2023