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Muffin Flop

When someone is wearing such tight pants paired with an even tighter shirt or vest which makes their muffin top hang over and flap in the breeze.

"Look at the muffin flop on that twink"

by DrewciferNYC March 9, 2009

creep muffin

Typically a man who creeps so hard but remains sweet .

That guy Jerry is such a creep muffin but he sent me flowers .

by groupmentality April 18, 2017

rez muffin

A white girl from the rez that dont take no shit.

Hey jen (white girl) (rez muffin) what you doing over here?

Jen- anything I want!

by Joey mt July 3, 2018


A very sketchy person. One who does sketchy things or acts in a sketchy manner- a sketch.

Coined at Carrboro High School in 2009 by the Quiz Bowl team when a sketchy member brought three small, highly suspect blueberry muffins that potentially contained marijuana. They were later sold to the general public.

That dude came to school high as a kite. What a sketch-muffin.

That couple has been in that janitor's closet for 15 minutes. They are two sketch-muffins.

This man is a sketch-muffin as he has not bathed in three weeks and smells like vomit.

by superbran December 27, 2011

tummy muffin

Used when referring to sledding on your stomach.

I went sledding on my tummy muffin.

by Dave Jenson October 24, 2007

Nose Muffin

When Someone Mistakes Cocaine With Sugar or Baking Powder, Which Then Leads To The Baking Of A Cake Inside Your Nostrils.

"Mate, You Just Got Nose Muffin'd"

by BakingWithPride January 23, 2012

Mug Muffin

When several dudes cum in a mug, you microwave it, and drink/eat it

"... This apple pie tastes worse than the mug muffin I had yesterday..."

by Gingersquishy October 16, 2021