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Natural November

In Natural November people are not allowed to wear make up. this counts for lip gloss as well

person 1: i was thinking about what to wear tonight

person 2: just remember no makeup because it’s natural November

by game chase November 3, 2019

natural november

Girls have to be natural

No makeup no contour no eyelashes no wigs no dying hair

Let’s see how u girls last the whole month

Fuck no nut November girls do natural November

by We Hate Gays November 2, 2019

Natural November

When girls go natural for the whole month and take pictures with their camera not snap starting from the third of November.
Rules are :
1.no makeup ❌
2.no filters

U only get one chance ‼️

“Are u doing the natural November
Yh I am

by 123sym&syd November 2, 2019

Natural clothing

Pubic hair

Yesterday, I had to show my natural clothing

by Seriouslywhohasthatname June 22, 2024

RO Naturals

Ro Naturals is a Ghanaian brand which provide 100% natural products suitable for all skin types.

RO Naturals black soap gels is the best bathing gel which help all skin types achieve a radiant skin.

by RO Naturals August 4, 2021

Natural Breech

The rectal tunnel that can take on all sizes of cock during ass fucking with little or no hardship.

Typically referring to gay men.

Man: I shouldn't have went to that gay bar last night.

Friend: How's the natural breech holding up?

Man: It's not. Might need a butt plug for a while.

by FuckYoMomma September 1, 2014

Nature trick

In science, an illusory trend created by conflating two different kinds of data.

"I've just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards)... to hide the decline." - climatologist Phil Jones, in the most infamous Climategate email

by SaveTheEndangeredAdverb July 23, 2016