When you recreate an iconic photo but the reality does not quite capture the fiction
Aunt Lucy is taking pictures on the beach again like she is all part of that world
Trabsu Territory is approximately 670,000 square miles of Antarctica reaching in a wedge from the ocean to the south pole. It was the last unclaimed land on earth, until Trevor A. Sullivan claimed it and declared ownership on Monday, November 11, 2019. It is mostly unusable, and will not be weaponized per the Antarctic Treaty. Trevor plans to make it an open area to OHVers and explorers.
Trabsu Territory (Formerly known as "Mairie Byrd Land" and part of "Eights Isles") Is the newest country on Earth.
Vasilios is so sweet but kinda bad a committing to a relationship, but you can always lean on him for advice or just someone to talk to. He’s a good friend that’s for sure. I hope is future gf named Sophia Comes back to save him cause he needs some help. He’s kinda mean sometimes. Practically born and asshole with anger issues but ig he’s loveable
Vasilios Grady Nyktas part 2 is so rude
Further on, Jerry has been banned from discord due to not having the age to be in it according to his country laws, and Ejm shadow has replaced his charge temporarily, the game got brand new admins in training, such as Nicholas, Astric, Medh, and a few more. At the start everything was fine with them, but further on, some other admins from the first generation started getting **way** more strict within the rules. We could not say a single word and that would be warn worthy. And the new admins (excluding Medh) would just give you nonsense excuses in order to keep someone banned, or not do their work properly. Most likely the staff was power thirsty, and would get offended/mad over inoffensive jokes, such as "ok and" + "your mom", which even leaded to the delition of an emoji in particular which would most likely go along with both of those sentences regularly. And this is where the community was not the same anymore, with people getting banned over jokes, warned because of images that were not even considered memes in general, and overall stuff that were not bad enough in order to give the user a punishment. But, after some time, JerryCookies decided to make a brand new recreation of Utmv, called Utpr (standing for Undertale - Paralel Realities.), which would be ran by Jerry' himself, but we've met a "terrible fate".
Continue in UTMV (Generation 3)
Person 3: Ah, UTMV miss the memories...
Person 4: It's the past now, everything good comes to an end. Let's go back inside it's about to rain.
UTMV (Generation 2) Part 2
A person whom does not attend full time occupations
Part-time Pogson
“Where’s part time Pogson? Oh, he’s not in!”
The main source of value or importance in something being considered. The Pareto principle is that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes, sometimes shortened as "the 80/20 rule"
YOU: This yard is full of weeds. It'll take us two days to clear them out.
ME: Let's just do the Pareto part surrounding the walkway: that should only take 4 hours and 48 minutes.
A woman who typically flys with other women, but will migrate for an occasional dose of Peter.
Fran - “I don’t know man, I think she only likes chicks.”
Terry - “Nah dude, she just left the bar with Lenny the other night, she’s a part time pener!”