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double rainbow

A noun representing something a person finds phenomenally exciting, joyful, or amazing. The expressed joy upon witnessing a double rainbow may be misinterpreted as an acid trip, orgasm, or loss of bowel control.

"Did you catch Neil Patrick Harris in Dr. Horrible?"
"Dude... *fart* *gurgle* ... NPH is... he's just... *drops to knees* *cries*... He's just my all time... *vomit* ...Dub... dub... *fart* *high-pitched how*
(Note: In the throws of a double rainbow sighting or mention, a person may lose the verbal capability to pronounce the term "Double Rainbow.")

by ApologyAcceptedCaptainNeeda March 2, 2016

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Double rainbow

A term referring to someone who is both autistic and LGBTQIA+.

For those out of the loop, a common symbol/colors for LGBT folk is the rainbow-originally came in 8 stripes (each with different color) but there's since been several variations of the original rainbow. It is often associated with the diversity--although the original colors did have their own meanings--inherent in the extended LGBT community. In addition, a symbol of the autism rights movement is the rainbow infinity sign (NOT the puzzle piece), which also represents diversity, only this time of the human mind.

Unsurprisingly, LGBT people and autistic people may be able to relate to each other. Both have been the targets of "conversion" therapies, bullying, stereotypes, violence including murders, and otherwise stigmatized. In fact, there's hate groups that want to remove gays and/or autistics (I do NOT want to name them). In addition, there may be some relationship between both demographics: one study has found that people at gender clinics are 10x more likely to be diagnosed with/are diagnosable with autism.

Living under a double rainbow presents its own sorts of challenges as you are part of two oft stigmatized groups, but you are also a living example of a rebellion as you defy and question what is arbitrarily considered normal and good.

by RandomQualia October 1, 2019

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Rainbow Elmo

when you're in the middle of a sexual encounter with a partner, and begin thinking about old kids television shows, and as you climax, you make the sound of Elmo laughing.

"Yeah, he fucking Rainbow Elmo'd all over my face"

by ShadowApples July 30, 2015

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Farting Rainbows

To have a nice smelling fart.

Felicia:"OMG I was farting rainbows the other night because of those fruit smoothies!"
Lakeisha:"OMG gurl, at least it wasn't a nasty one."

by Princess_Felicia March 14, 2016

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Rainbow Animates

A YouTuber who uses a Gray Cat named Rain and A Purple Demon named Mistake.

(I might of not spelt the character’s name right..) They post almost every day, but sound younger than 18.


by SorryThisUserIsNowTaken! May 21, 2021

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Rainbow Cocaine

When Smarties are crushed into a bag to form a powder like substance

"Hey there kid wanna buy some Rainbow Cocaine"

by FuckingTrash April 23, 2016

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Rainbow Coalition

A name used for the LGBT community, being that the "Rainbow" is often associated with being non-heterosexual.

My partner and I are part of the Rainbow Coalition.

by Ur-M0mma July 18, 2019

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