very formal way to say hi when you write a cover letter applying for a job
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am an art director/designer and I am creative in all the areas of web, logo and mobile design and I am contacting you about a Freelance Designer job that is available.
The gate guards, henchmen, suck ups, yes men, bad cops, and closest associates to the leaders, archons, of prior 2022 years holocaust, along with people that deny it and claim it only happened for a few years when it is still happening. Putin's closest allies and the order of dragons, wizards who wear sheets, the people who worship talking snakes such as satanists, atheists, and the leaders of the communist party who control through all the junk they force you to buy. Also the men who mishandled my case since the day I was abducted.
The men doing this to me since I was abducted are yes sir bots so are the individuals in the public sector who tampered with my records and social accounts, so are the men who keep the minimum wage so low, so are the hacks who program the cable industry to show mostly reruns of junk while the 6th mass extinction is happening, so are the tax collectors demanding death taxes, so are the hacks airbrushing the bases out on the moon, so are the hacks, so are the individuals who did these demonic things to me
Term of affection for a policeman, with extremely shiny boots.
Oh please don't arrest me Sir Shiny, have i been a bad girl? Are you going to handcuff me?
A mega chad with a slight obsession with milfs, space, turtles, and the violin.
Goodnight Sir Jeffers, cya in the morrow.