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stoner flipping

Smoking weed after taking ecstasy and vice Versa.

Yo I was stoner flipping last night and started seeing patterns

by Saso2004 November 11, 2022

Stoner Telepathy

When you and a friend are stoned and subconsciously are thinking the same thing. (Typically about rolling another one up :D)

Friend #1: Hey dude wanna roll up another joint?
Friend #2: Holy s***, I was thinking the same thing! (Stoner Telepathy)

by JustSomeGuy17 May 31, 2020

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Stoners' breakfast

eating a lot very early in the morning (12-5am)

I could'nt sleep because I was too full, I had a stoners' breakfast.

by maninamask01 September 4, 2010

sober stoners

A person, or group of people, who do not use drugs, but might as well.

Dave: Dude, those waiters at the restaurant were sober stoners. How long does it take to bring out a glass of water?

Joe: You could smell the weed?

Dave: Fucktard.

by teh_winnahs! June 29, 2009

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1. Person
a)who is habitually intoxicated by drugs and/or alcohol
b)who is unable to think clearly and make sound decisions due to habitual use of narcotics.
2. Refers to the impaired mental ability of a drug addict to make rational and consistent thoughts

Tom is a stoner-brain so high on bong he can't tell his dick from his ass

by WebC November 5, 2007

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Stoner shorts

Any king of basketball shorts Worn 3 inches below the waste, Preferably only worn in times of Smoking the following; marijuana/weed/pot/cheeba/ganja....
or playing basketball.

Say Kevin those are some nice nike stoner shorts.

by Vinny censabella November 28, 2007

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angry stoner

young people who don't know how to handle their weed. will get annoyed or paranoid over little things and lash out or make mistakes during their high. will always want more and more bud, but cannot afford it because they are little commies and think capitalism is hiding under their bed. probably has a bad credit score and hops around from apartment complex to apartment complex after getting kicked out by management. annoying little bitches. will end up working at tj max when they are 80. loves to play victim and blame people for their own problems or shortcomings. may be into grunge and live in seattle.

Hey Bob who is that?
It's a angry stoner who moved in a few days ago. They will probably cause themselves lots of problems and self-destruct -- nothing to worry about.

by CreampieMyBong June 24, 2011

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