A web page with a listing of sex offenders...Example "Megan's Law"....Most counties publish a wall of shame (sex offender) via the sheriffs station.
Because Lawrence Taylor messed with an underage girl and was subsequently convicted he has to report to the sheriffs office to have his mugshot taken and plastered on the wall of shame to alert others a cho mo is lurking.
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When a person publicly live streaming a game does a sexy dance in return for donations.
Bot: sadist99 has donated $5
Pokemon go vlogger: Thank you very much *does a shame dance*
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Any of the family of liqueurs popular with young, irresponsible drinkers, but especially Jaegermeister. Can also refer to Rumpleminz, Goldschlager, Tuaca or others, the imbibing of which soon thereafter leads to engaging in shameful and/or scandalous behavior, including: random, degrading sex, starting a fistfight about nothing (especially with a close friend or physically superior opponent), copious vomiting, crashing one's car, etc. Such behavior, once witnessed by/made widely known among one's immediate social circle, is instantaneously blamed on the ill-advised overconsumption of said liqueur.
"I should not have had those ten shots of Liquid Shame last night! After the fifth one I blacked out. Next thing I know I'm waking up naked next to some sea creature with the cops banging on the front door!"
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When a Male Violently hits their victim across the ass cheek, or face with the substaintial growth from their netherlands with baby powder on it. Leaving a large baby powder marking shaped like the growth used to assault the victim.
John: Dude this chick totaly ate my Volvo!!
Tyrone: WHAT! She must be punished for her insulence!
John: Already taken care of...
Tyrone: You didn't do what I think you did! Did you?
John: Yes, The Mark of Shame
Tyrone: You are a horrible person!
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1. What anyone who uses the term "special snowflake" is doing. Commonly done by edgelords of the internet to look cool.
2. People failing to recognise that third gender individuals and those who lack gender identity have existed long before Tumblr.
People pull out the words “special snowflake” when someone does any of the following:
- Have a profile/blog that talks about their non-“traditional” gender identity, sexuality, or neurodiversity.
- Ever mention that they have a non-“traditional” gender identity, sexuality, or neurodiversity
- Ever talk about any kind of non-“traditional”/non-white/cis/straight/neurotypical/etc. identity
- Want words to exist for that identity so they can talk about it
- Want people to accept that that identity exists
None of that is about thinking they are “special”. It’s about wanting to be able to talk about identities in the same way that other people can by default. That’s when you'll see people use the words “special snowflake”. I’ve never actually seen anyone who made up a non-“traditional” identity because they want to be special, but I have seen a lot of people shamed as special snowflakes for talking about their non-“traditional” identity, and people assuming they are lying, treating them as lying, etc. far beyond how likely it is that they actually are lying.
Calling minorities "special snowflakes" for existing is minority shaming.
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crow (friend) simping HARD for micheal afton
Crow you are too horny, CROWS SHAME
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an expression of sympathy, usualy exclaimed in a loud fashion.
your getting man titahs? SHAME LOLS
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