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Cbt cult

The worship of cbt and the fact that Noah likes men

Wow Cbt cult is really growing

by Noah Rice February 4, 2024

Loiter Cult

art collective, school of thought, people making art in parking lots, definitely a cult. IG @loiter.cult

I would've went to that White Nationalist Rally but I found Loiter Cult instead. Thanks Loiter Cult.

by michelle glass May 2, 2021

vegeta cult

The STRONGEST cult in the world if your not in this cult then you are not loved and your dad left you.

Hey are you in vegeta cult? No I’m a walking L

by Virus Shiba August 6, 2021

vegeta cult

The Vegeta cult is for the elite. If you are in the cult then you are cool. If you want to join then you must use a TikTok pfp containing an anime character with a green jack/Vegeta jacket.

Killua : Are you in the Vegeta Cult?
Tanjiro: Yep
Killua: Sweet, I am too!

by KILLUA’S LOVER August 7, 2021

The Cult of Poog

A cult that religiously follows Poog's code, which is basically 'Poog do no harm'. I have no idea where Poog came from, but they are the most wholesome being to ever exist (shut up you'll agree with me). The cult of Poog often protects them at all costs, and basically praises the fact that Poog is the sweetest being to ever walk on this planet. I'm not kidding.

Person 1: Poog do no harm.

Person 2: WTF Allison? You again?

Person 1: Join the Cult of Poog.

Person 2: ...

by Froggity November 24, 2020

Accidental cults

I don't think I should have to say this but... You know I'm not going to be super stoked about a bunch of accidental cults running around and harvesting souls in my name right? Right? Because that would constitute charlatanry and if it isn't ABUNDANTLY CLEAR... I'm against that.

Hym "Hey, and don't go blaming me for accidental cults. Alright? We all know how I feel about charlatanry from watching Lucifer... The show were Lucifer hates sin and that's why he punishes them and is a Sherlock Holmes-esque police consultant show... Which is a thing I wrote about... Entirely coincidental I'm sure... The timelines match up.... Just saying.... But yeah, don't let me be the God of your charlatan religion... Not a great way to die... Not going to be a great thing to wake up to after you die..."

by Hym Iam February 22, 2023

Apple Cult

The Apple Cult is the best Cult there is! We worship Apples, Cortland, Bob, and the Apple leader Robby. And go to our Apple Cult website and our Apple Cult trivia to learn stuff about it. Some of the properties are that if you don't own a spoon it is a sin, National Apple Cult Day is on March 12th, National Cortland Day is on September 25th, And Apple Month in October. And if you do good in the Cult you can get into our special ranks! So go and join the Apple Cult!

Billy: Can I join the Apple Cult?

Apple Cult member: Sure! You have just joined the best Cult in the World!

Billy: Let's go!

Apple Cult member: Now go and respect the best fruit!

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by MyButtHurts69 May 3, 2022