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Smarting thinking

Sharp reasoning or judgement

That is very smarting thinking.

Rick's not very good at smarting thinking.

by lucky#7 August 16, 2012

do you know what I'm thinking

I'm thinking I have the biggest crush on someone cant tell him his friends know constantly get shipped with him and well yeah hope he likes me back please say he does because I like him to the moon and back so yeah rizz I'm not quit a Jesus 'm more of an apostle I cant turn water into wine but I can turn you into mine well bye

do you know what I'm thinking the word is differed you know now so yeah

by crushing on people July 9, 2023

I think a wall is a wall

When Louis Tomlinson was asked what it meant when he named his first studio album Walls, he said a wall is a wall, and there was nothing deeper in it.

"I'm quite Bri ish aright, and I think a wall is a wall," - Louis Tomlinson

by jaquenfayre December 7, 2020

I think I just made a digital thermal grenade (do it yourself smoke)

What I call homo-sapiens addicted to abscesses

Person 1: Are you addicted to abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: I think I just made a digital thermal grenade (do it yourself smoke).

by LeSouffleDeVersailles January 21, 2025

Brute Force Thinking

Thinking out loud until the thoughts make sense. Usually used as a way of flagging potentially unintelligible thought trains in a brainstorming session.

Abbreviation: BFT

A: Yo, you're not making any sense at all!
B: Sorry, I'm just Brute Force Thinking right now...

by danstaaar March 24, 2022

boomer thinking

Irrational and out-dated thoughts that are proffered by aging people of the Baby Boomer generation.

Boomer thinking is prevalent of aging boomers who should just retire but don't for fear of losing their work-centric identity.

Boomer: I do not believe in working from home or ever taking vacation.

Millenial: OK Boomer... that's obsolete Boomer thinking. Just retire.

by Barnacles have large penises August 19, 2023

“I think there’s someone hanging right there”

I think there’s someone hanging right there

Yo Jerry did you see the real and totally cool allegations towards Logan Paul?

Hell yeah I did I heard he also made a really bad apology video after saying “I think there’s someone hanging right there” in that one video he made.

by TheIdiot37 November 24, 2024