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show hole

The feeling of depression and "what do I with my life now" that's comes from the ending of a Netflix series that you've been binge watching for several weeks.

Pam: what's up with Jim?
Michael: I think he finally finished The Office last night and is now in a show hole.

by Schrutefarms3 January 6, 2016

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tea show

When a bunch of co-workers (especially computer programmer nerds) all flock together in a group to the office Flavia machine and make tea. This event can take place up to four times a day, and usually morphs into an extended period of social interaction, which is a primary culprit of burning company time.

"Man I'm thirsty."
"Yeah, let's do the tea show!"
::all participants flock like girls to the machine::
"So how is your World of Warcraft character?"
::discussion about WoW then continues for 3 hours::

by sKid.J June 20, 2006

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Run The Show

When you are playing call of duty and you are destoying the enemy team single handedly

when somebody is dominating in a video game and they get a MOAB they Run the Show

by Jimmy Dropshot April 2, 2012

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cheap show

When a girl's pants are low enough so that her thong can be seen.

Katie turned around and we got tickets to the cheap show.

by Jeff4478 December 31, 2007

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The act of one or more persons making a spectical or a scene, followed by a series of lies to attempt to explain set actions. Made popular by the one and only "Scrub" aka Colby Swaggert, aka "Chipmunk". Origin of the word is said to be from the area of Crafton Heights also know as the white man's ghetto...

"Wow look at this puppet show in action, is Scrub out of his mind!" Does he understand no one believes him?

by Mark Scanlon August 18, 2006

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show and go

To "show and go" is when a woman walks by and is wearing something hot or slutty. She is is showing skin but keeps on going.

"Dude. Check that out..."

Hot chick walks by in tight jeans and a revealing top.

"Show and go, bro. Show and go."

by Bloke G October 21, 2009

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potato show

A potato show is when you put your balls on your buddy's face when he's passed out at a party.

Dude look at Steve, go give him a potato show

by J March 1, 2005

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