A horse with thick sexy ass makes furries get horny
Hmm look at that horse bot makes me thirsty
When you see Mateo is playing fortnite.
What a Mateo, I mean what a bot
when someone takes their phone into the shower and is on it for long periods of time (snapping ppl, watching shows, tiktok etc…)
“Do you bring your phone into the shower?”
“Dude you’re such an L shower bot”
Referring to the local nittys that may be present within the area.
g I can't lie your ends are dun out, hella bit bots vacating the area
A term used by a streamer Sinatraaow to make fun of bad plays in-game (Overwatch).
Carpe(Ana): I'm ulting now! {hit the wrong person}
Sinatraaow: Naisu! Training bot, training bot!
A person who simply goes through the motions applying very little, if not any, critical thought to their process.
All that talking and still fumbles the bag... A Bot