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Chicken John

When a male prostitute gets 'stiffed' due to his John not being able to get an erection.

"There goes ANOTHER chicken john again, last night i sucked his dick, and he couldn't get it up. Then the cheap motherfucker didn't want to pay me!"

by Cable Car Rider September 11, 2011

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Cooked Chicken


A chicken which has been slapped at the speed of 3725.95 mph.

Car salesman: *slaps chicken with the speed of 3725.95 mph* this is a cooked chicken.

by Atheon February 22, 2019

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Talkin Chickens

To lie in an extreme manner; to lie obtrusively.

I got sucked by 3 bitches at once last night.
You talkin chickens breh.

by joogness February 6, 2013

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chicken dipped

when a girl gets a penis placed in her vagina without carrying on to have sex vagina, fanny, sex, dip

'clare and tom started to have sex but then the door rang and they never did'
tom later tell his mates "i chicken dipped clare"

by J kid September 15, 2006

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Chicken Flick

A chick flick for older women.

Meryl Streep specializes in making Chicken Flicks.

by Truth Teller 711 June 10, 2010

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chicken linger

When a 3 piece finger box has been performed and a chicken tender is not successfully removed from the vagina, forgotten about and later discovered by another male suitor.

Naw bro, I don't mind getting chicken lingered. It's kinda cool when I can get some ass and a chicken tender! 3 piece finger box

by Allison's Giant Bush January 26, 2010

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Chicken Mittens

The act of using an uncooked chicken as a boxing glove.

I can't get the stink off my hands from my Chicken Mittens.

by SneakyPriest June 26, 2011

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