To cum into absurdity. Something that Is so absurd, you and the audience cum into absurdity.
I’m a simple man. I see Lana rhoades and I bagakio ad absurdum
Augmented reality, only augmented with ads
ad-mented reality in google street view is... well just weird...
Ad-Mented Reality, term coined first by Molly Wood, January 13th, 2009, on Buzz Out Loud Episode 1144
A fallacy (a part of ad hominem) when someone dismiss speaker's argument and attacking speaker's personality by using LGBTIQ+++ slur
A: (Finishing presentation) Any questions or opinions?
B: That's so gay <= B deliberately doing reductio ad homosexual by using LGBTIQ++ slur to attack A's personality and dismissing A's argument
This is an acronym for "All Day Every Day". 1)It is most commonly used as a form of hyperbole, especially when refering to something has consumed much effort and that a person hast been working doing in a very dedicated manner over a large amount of time. 2) It can be used as a form of celebration and to express bravado, especially during a victorious moment.
1)+You get that broads number?
- ADED, my brother.
2)-Person after winning a round of beer pingI be winning ADED! That's how we do A-D-E-D.
A logical fallacy when netizen dismiss other netizen's opinion just because s/he is/they are using anime avatars/profile images
The example of reductio ad anime:
Waifu avatar? Splish-splash, your opinion is trash
Hentai avatar? Opinion discarded
Any netizens who use anime avatar can shut the fuck up
When the girl you are fucking and gives out and stop's putting in effort.
Girl totally gave up, became a zombie ad