cantering chloe is an amazing person, this person is quite happy but can have an off day now and again. This person is a very caring person and is taken for granted. If you know a chloe keep her in your life.
a cantering chloe is so rare
An awesome friend who doesn't care for drama but always in it she is an amazing person that you will sometimes get in a fight with but you will always make up I hope you see this bestie
Chloe Horsley is doing the chicken dance
The cutest girl in the world. NO DOUBT.
Person1: Have you seen Sakamata Chloe?
Person2: Yeah she's cute asf
One of the singer of the duo Chloe x Halle. She's really pretty and there are rumors of what she's dating gunna but it's not sure. She made a song single named have mercy and GADDAMN i was shocked.
Did you listen to the single have mercy of chloe bailey
Beautiful, sweet, occasionally funny and fuckin thicc
"Brooooo, I'm dating Chloe Curtis"
"No fuckin way man!"
"She's legit the best girlfriend ever and she's so damn thickkk"
The couple everyone wants to be but no one can be
The couple everyone wants to be but no one can be
Person 1: hey look at them they are trying to hard to be a Chloe And Gage
Person 2: they are trying to hard but what about them over there
Person 1: Yaass they are perfect Wait that is Chloe and she is with a Gage