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colin is that kid that your teacher yells at you for looking at. Colin is that kid that is the sweetest kid ever and is SUPER cute and his girlfriend is the luckiest women alive.

OU who is that?
oh thats colin (;

by colin the cutie March 22, 2019


Prob is white and is a trumpie and prob dating 5000000000000000 girls before.

Girl: I'm sad

Boy: why?
Girl: colin and I broke up

Boy: that white crusty wanna-be cool boy

Boy: he is the definition of an ick man
Girl: *cries*
Boy: you will be fine he was a NASTY CHEETO PUFF CRUST trump supporter anyway

KANYE 2024

by BOBtheBUILDERcanHEfixIT🥸 October 11, 2022


A guy like Colin often smells very bad becuase he rarely shower. Colin often gets angry and belives he is on top of the world. Colin often plays video games and are often very bad at them at the same time. Colin is often used as a word to define someone who is extremly bad at League of Legends.

"Oh wahts that smell in here?!"
"It smells like fish and mold, something must have died in here.."
- Warwick scream from upstairs -

"Sounds like someone is losing a LoL game, must be a Colin living here"
"Yeah true, with the smell and rage. It must be a Colin"

by Slayer531124 July 4, 2020


Colin is a guy who is very lazy. He shower rarely and smells very bad often. Colin dgf often and think he is a big guy behind the pc screen. Colin often play s video games and are also very bad at each of them, especially League Of Legends.

"Oh whats that smell in here?!"
"Smells like fish and mold, must be a Colin living here"
- Warwick scream from upstairs -

"Omg you are right, that is a Colin losing at League Of Legends"

by Slayer531124 July 4, 2020


hes a cool guy that wears tee-shirts, shorts, and crocs most of the time. hes athletics and acts mega gay at times because he knows guys are better then girls cause they hoes. he has soft lookin hair and wears chains because yes. He hangs out with tall chill guys because they cool

wussup colin you good by brotha

yea bro im good

you got good shit for lunch

ye you want it

nah jk mf you dont get it

by funny69number May 26, 2022


One of the 3 Alpha gods, Colin is one of the strongest men to ever walk the human earth,
Most Colin’s have an iq from a range of 122-137 and is great and doing workouts, some of the workouts he is great at doing is Pull ups, push-ups, and bench press, Colin is also great at getting girls, Colin is a white man that has a height of around 5’10 to 6’1 which is average height and even though he is not super tall his muscles pay off for it, Colin is one of the 3 alpha gods sitting next to one of the alpha gods which is named either one of these names, Jack, Leo, Andrew, Ronnie, or Shane, And in the history books it says in the 1300s a unknown man named Colin conquered an entire empire all by himself, Overall colin is one of the 3 alpha gods and is great at almost anything.

Person#1 who is that guys doing so many push-ups

Person#2 Oh that’s Colin he is a super cool guy

by Mdkfreft December 2, 2022


Colin has a very small chode. Very hot and sexy. He is very good in bed and yummmmm

colin has a chode

by ytftdrdyhgjkiigi January 31, 2019