Covfefe n.: a hapax legomenon from the author Donald Trump, this ancient Latin word means having a stroke mid-talking. Due to the knowledge of human body at the times it was thought to be a monster inside the person's body. The author Trump's usage of this word probably meant that he was having a stroke and he needed help.
He is having a covfefe and he needs help. It was a monster growing inside, eating his guts
In Germany there are candies named Toffifee. Maybe he got one by his meeting with the german chancellor and now never can forget its wonderful taste. Unfortunately he can't remember the right name.
According to the president of the free world, Covfefe means Good Luck! in Trumpish.
Do you think you can beat me in Ping Pong? Covfefe dammit!
Create own version, fuck everybody, fuck everybody..!!
A note was found in a jail cell, with the letters Covfefe, short for: Create Own Version, Fuck Everybody, Fuck Everybody..!!
Mostly used by selfish criminals .
Something Trump tweeted and anly he understood.
Despite the constant negative press covfefe (Tweeted byDonald J. Trump, 5-31-2017, 1:06 AM)
Initials of
Come On,
Very Fake Elections.
Fucking Electoral (college)
Trump just said COVFEFE. What the hell does this mean?
When you can't afford dental care because TrumpCare
"My healthfcare covfefe is so poor I can't afford dentistf"