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Damn that's tough

Something ur boyfriend might say when he's bored, or just doesn't want to talk to you.

Girl: Hey bae I was just thinking about you while I was at the mall with my friend and I went shopping and got new shoes and-

Boy: Damn that's tough

by totinostotinoshotpizzarolls January 25, 2020

1๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

god damn you

Something you say when you are really pissed about something, especially the goverment.

"GOD DAMN YOU! Let gays marrie eachother! They have the same rights as all of us, plus they are cooler then you"

by Jearcy October 13, 2004

64๐Ÿ‘ 69๐Ÿ‘Ž

Shit Nigger Damn

When big fella is in shock or in celebration

"Jl said he got his cousin pregnant" Well Shit nigger damn that sucks

by Big fella 37 May 2, 2022

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

O my Damn

A sudden outburst. an unwanted suprise.

- "Leeha, i broght you some soup for your cold last night but your mom said you wernt home, where were you?"
- jogging.
-"hey leeha maybe we can see "the stepfather next time".
- "O my damn"

by prettygurlRI October 13, 2009

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damn a$s rich

Exceptionally well-off, and able to afford many different bling-based items at will. (Often spelled this way in order to avoid work/office email filters.)

Friend #1: When that real estate market goes up all those foreclosed properties I just bought are going to make me so rich. Damn a$s rich!

Friend #2: When is the real estate market ever going to go up again, exactly? Good luck with that.

by Land Snark July 28, 2010

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damn straight

from "strait up no chaser"(booze)
"sraight" liquor
"staight" drugs

dude ODed cuz he dint know it wuz straight hop

by YoungCali August 25, 2003

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The Phrase you say to women with breast the size of Double D's.

Boy:(sees girl with big boobs) DA DAMN GIRL

Girl:excuse me?

Boy: i was admiring your tits girl


by Stephonhimself November 28, 2009

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