Fucking your best “not” gay friend’s foreskin.
For Tim and Zach, docking at Kelly’s Island has a completely different meaning.
The action of putting one weeny doodle inside of anothers.
Jacob R. Millis Immensely enjoys the act of docking his brother.
Jacob: Hey Landon wanna dock?
Landon: what
When you and your partner insert you respective fingers into each other's belly buttons
Yo, I was docking with my girl last night... Never felt closer to someone in my life
When one man is uncircumcised and a circumcised man inserts his penis in the foreskin of the uncircumcised man.
I caught Trevor and Wil docking in Dean's room last night...
When one person bends over backwards or lies down so that another person may place their nostrils on their own.
Commonly used in the question, "Hey, wanna dock noses?", which is used mostly as a disgusting joke.
I saw larry and jack docking noses yesterday. How gross!
I would love to dock noses with you
Mom, Dad, where is a good place to dock noses with my friends?
wannabee roadman slang for being deported. Usually used in the country where teenagers think they’re hard
Jack: what happened to Mickey? Did he get booked
Tommy: no, mans got sent to the docks