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Doodle booper

Someone who kills the mood or ruins the vibe

James is such a Doodle Booper

by November 10, 2020

Lucky Doodle

How to describe someone you don't like who has been in a lucky situation. But you can not insult them at the time that you are saying it.

"Oh, Ben got his job? That... Lucky Doodle"

by Anom123433 April 19, 2018

Doritos nacho cocoo doodle doo

A type of pizza consisting of the ingredients: Nacho & cococo
The pizza was first invented in the youtube video: THE DISCORD COOKING COMPETITION 2

"Have you ever tried the Doritos nacho cocoo doodle doo?"
"Are you fucking high"

by Uncorrupt May 27, 2024


Doodle-squat is a term for aimlessly drawing or scribbling, often done during boring meetings or classes. It's like turning a piece of paper into a canvas for your wandering mind, producing whimsical or nonsensical sketches.

Usage Example 1: "While the professor droned on about quantum physics, Maria found herself in the world of doodle-squat, creating a menagerie of fantastical creatures."

Usage Example 2: "The corporate meeting was so tedious that the entire team resorted to doodle-squat to pass the time."

by Autterpop October 14, 2023

cocka doodle


Someone tells you something that is obviously not true. It's cocka doodle or if you prefer BS

by Knucklehead October 29, 2023

Doodle bugger

Geophysical Exploration lineman, juggy, trouble shooter.

Send a doodle bugger out to find the problem to get the spread hot.

by Seismic Soldier September 27, 2019

Fop Doodle

An insult used to insist that someone is unintelligent and or lacking attractive facial features.

Yo you low key built like a Fop Doodle.
Dawg you a Fop Doodle😭🙏.

by playboifarti72 April 10, 2024