The male sexual organ, the Penis, dick, tallywacker, cock, Ding-a-ling, trouser snake, one-eyed monster, main vein. Schlong, Notably, a big one, so big that it drags behind you. Or named after the sexual act of dragging the penis across the clitoris.
He showing drag, She got dragged last night, He gave her the drag, You checking my drag?, Check out his drag,
A draw on a smokable, such as a cigarette, joint, or pipe. Relatively deeper than a puff or a toke
Dude! Take shorter drags with that stuff or you'll be tweaking bad time.
taliah - “come on babe let’s go before we’re late
jacob- “ wait one last drag before i leave”
Pulling someone across the floor while beating them.
Dude: What's-his-face has been saying some shit about you.
Bruh: Don't worry ima drag him after school.
My name, I’m hot and nice and attractive. Like me.
Drag is super hot
Drag is sexy
Did you hear about Drag getting tons of the sex?
Person 1: Tristan has so much drag it’s unbelievable. Like nah fr how that mans have drip and swag?
Person 2: wish I could have dat, I only have swag, n even then it’s pretty mediocre swag. At least compared to Tristan’s drag.
Ha! Get it! Because it looks like A REFERENCE to the last supper! Like a Jesus! Get it? It's literally the exact thing you're doing to me except about your incest cult... Instead of me!
Hym "Hahaha! The last Olympic Drag Supper! Hilarious! And their response to it was great too! 'Uh, nuh-uh. It's a Greek dionysius thing! I'm not referencing your thing.' Hahahahaha! You fucking stupid fucks! IT'S THE EXACT THING YOU'RE DOING TO ME! AND THEN YOU'RE GETTING MAD ABOUT EVEN THOUGH YOU MOCK ME FOR BEING MAD ABOUT MY THING! HA! HAHAHA! HA! GOD YOU MOTHERFUCKERS SUCK! Do you see now how fucking stupid you are? Do your kids really need to die for you to learn? You just keep stepping all up on that rake, don't ya? Fucking stupid. Like... They to the thing you've been doing to me... To you... You find it outrageous... But you're still doing it to me. Except my thing is worse because it's not like they are forcing you to hang up a picture of Olympic Drag Supper in your office. You don't have to spend every day talking to co-worker wearing a picture of last drag supper as a mask while they talk to you."