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The state where you're drunk and baked

Josh: Omg have did you know Taki is both high and drunk?
EJ: Wait what?!! You mean he's draked?!
Josh: Yeah oath brutha

by draked_guy November 11, 2022


To give exciting info without any source, go ghost then show up a considerable time later to say it’s false.

Man I was so exited. I can’t believe we got draked again

by Deranged November 29, 2020


Drunk and baked

Drinking all those beers and smoking all that weed..I'm absolutely draked.

by April 26, 2023


Past tense of drake. To give stuff to or pay for someone random in need.

I just draked an old man with a sandwich

by Black cat rudolf April 27, 2018


When someone gets decimated, so badly in a competition that their life seems as ruined as the Canadian rapper Drake's after his battle with Kendrick Lamar.

"Dude you just got draked, how in the world did you get destroyed that easily."

by SomeRandomGuy_WasTaken May 11, 2024


The act of getting Drunk and getting high (Baked) at the same time - DR-AKED - best done with friends but also awesome alone with a killer music playlist. Not to be confused with names of real people.

"Got Draked last night with a bunch of friends who took my phone to prevent me from "Draked Texting my ex".

"Listening to Old School Rock - Draked - alone and loving it"

by Deadlyduo June 24, 2021


It's like being Ja Ruled, but way worse. Prior to 2024, everyone believed they understood what an L meant in a Rap beef. HOV took an L to Nas. Ja Rule got Ja Ruled by 50(arguably the biggest L in rap beef history until 2024). But aubrey graham, in his desire to be the goat of something. Took an L we never knew possible. He was Draked by Kendrick Lamar/Kdot/Oklama/Dot/Kung Fu Kenny. Aubrey graham has been spiraling ever since.

In the future: Daddy, what is being Ja Ruled mean? Son, it's like being Draked, but not as bad.

Damn, that was a big L you took, but at least you didn't get Draked.

To take an L, larger than conceivably possible.

To take an L and live in denial despite all evidence.

by Thedeeprpicture January 6, 2025