Ur stupid ass friends/ siblings/ anything really/ that have the iq of a fucking potato
Alyssa is such a dumbass she has the iq of a 2 y/o
When someone calls you a dumbass they actually really like you.
Your a dumbass
The definition of dumbass in the English dictionary is: a person who is stupid or brainless. However instead of saying that you can just say Mahay. Mahay is the literal meaning of a dumbass
“Oh my he is such a dumbass, how stupid can he be?”
A classic, all-purpose insult for a stupid person that can be used many ways, this particular definition writer prefers to use it for people who do idiotic things that they should know better than to do, and which, due to their own stupidity, end up with them getting hurt, getting suckered out of their money or otherwise taken advantage of, or suffering other ill fortune. People who brought it on themselves.
Some people think the term originated with Beavis and Butt-head, but that's actually not true, that show just popularized the term. It's at least as old as Star Trek IV (1986), and probably older than that. While the show That '70s Show came out later, and is fictional, the character of Red Forman in that show was also known for using the term and so, if the show is an accurate depiction of the time, then people were using the term in the '70s as well.
I read an article about this dude who got drunk, put a lit firecracker in a beer bottle and shoved it up his rectum, and now he doesn't have an anus or a colon. What a dumbass.